In My Skin
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063708361474
nMySkin started many years ago as a way to help my own children manage skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and keratosis polaris. Yes, between myself and my boys, we have all three. It started with hand crafting soaps from ready made bases and adding special “extra” oils and ingredients to help manage the bumps, flaking and itching that comes along with these skin conditions. When my good friend Melanie visited one day I was making soap. She told me about how her daughter had eczema too, and how she hated taking baths because her skin hurt. I gave her several bars before she left to try. Her daughters skin felt better and soon started to clear. Melanie told me I should sell my soaps. Because Melanie and I were both interested in old fashioned soap making, but were afraid of the lye, we took a class together. That was in Feb. 2015. We enjoyed it so much that Mel and I started working on our own soap recipes together and we were making soap all the time.
One day, Melanie told me I should make a cream or lotion to go along with the soaps, so I did. I further researched natural oils and waxes, how they benefitted skin, how they absorbed and how they felt. I experimented and had failure after failure after failure, but, I wasn’t going to give up. I had been given a task to create a formula and I was determined to make it work. It took nearly a year to work my formula out and it was well worth it. Family, friends and coworkers all loved the cream and started to purchase it. They had family members snatching their jars so they came back for more.
InMySkin was born. Mel and I worked craft shows and sold our soaps, cream and balms to friends, family, coworkers and anyone else that was interested.