The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Good Morning!
February is here and we are a little closer to spring. Any guesses on what the groundhog will say tomorrow?
This week we have Hungarian Mushroom and Turmeric Vegetable Soups, and Oatmeal Fig Bars that are new. Springwood Cashmere Farm added her lotions to the market lineup. They are all natural and you have your choice of scents.
Veggies are slow in the garden. We are letting the greens take a break for a couple weeks so they have a chance to grow in a bit more. Then I will harvest and turn those beds over with amendments to prepare for spring. The rest of the beds got a few loads of manure and will be ready for early sown spring veggies.
Remember to place your orders by Wednesday evening for Saturday pick up. Prior pickup may be arranged as well during winter months.
Thank you for shopping with us!
Farmher Chef Amy