The Weblog

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Happy Fall!

It’s officially fall! In my book, that means Merry Happy Hallowthanksmas! LOL! It’s a blur from here on out!! I love this time of year and it shows in the farmstand. If you don’t place an order, stop by anytime for some Ellijay apples, fresh figs from the cooler, any of our canned items, eggs, late season veggies, our farm grown white pumpkins and glass gem corn cob décor, Ellijay gourds and pumpkins will be restocked again this week. Also, we have met a wonderful bee keeper not far from the farm that has an exquisite brand of honey. She is a true artist in her craft and produces a wonderful floral honey we will be getting later this week. Watch for it in the stand and in next week’s market.
Vendor spotlight:
If you’re working in the yard and manage a scratch – try Joanne’s Healing Salve! Springwood Cashmere Farm makes an Herbal Healing Salve made by harvesting fresh herbs, dehydrating them and then extracting the medicinal compounds inside the herbs by saturating them in Avocado Oil. You need only a small amount so this .75 Fl. oz. jar will last a very long time. Her family has been using this salve for a few weeks now, and we’re honestly pretty shocked to see that it works far better on cuts and scratches and they heal much more quickly than when we were using bacitracin.

If you get a chance to recommend us – it is always appreciated!
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or on Nextdoor –
Chef Amy’s Farm Fresh Foods or
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market

Enjoy this wonderful weather and thanks again for supporting our farm!

Farmher Chef Amy