The Weblog

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This Week at the Market

This cold weather has taken a toll on the greens. Many leaves have not survived the icy nights even under frost cloth. I’m giving them a week or two to come back before picking. I have added arugula as that bed has enough for a picking.

I appreciate all the container returns! If I ever forget to give you credit on your order, do not hesitate to let me know you’ve returned a bag and I will add it to your account. I prefer dozen sized egg cartons, any size canning jars and rings/ lids, Tupperware type containers, foil tins, any grocery sacks including the wine type (good for soups!). I do not need any more odd shaped bottles or jars right now or the 18-24 egg cartons.

Thank you! Stay warm and dream of warm weather to come!

Farmher Chef Amy