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Market Open

Ooops! Monday got away from me! I was so busy in the garden it hit me around 3pm that I hadn’t opened the market. I guess I am also distracted…. my daughter goes in to deliver our first grandchild this week!!! So excited!!

Meanwhile, we have lots of prepping still in the gardens and greenhouse. We have a little broccolini coming back in, the kale is growing and almost ready to harvest, and some of the plants in the greenhouse will go in the garden this week.

A little reminder…. if you are unable to pick up an order on Saturday please give me a heads up as soon as possible. Be aware if you are picking up a day or two later, your produce or your prepared foods will not be as fresh as when it was intended on Saturday. And if you cancel last minute, I may not be able to resell those items resulting in a loss to me. I do understand life is unpredictable, so don’t hesitate to let me know if you just can’t get here to pick up.

Have a great spring week!

Farmher Chef Amy