The Weblog

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Market Open

Good morning! We are open for ordering!
I have been working hard to get all the plants from the greenhouse into the ground, all the staking and trellising in place, and the mulch spread to keep back the weeds.
We still have some chicks, if anyone would like them, let me know. I was very excited last week to find the peahen had laid a clutch of eggs!!!! There are 4 of those and 8 duck eggs in the incubator now. Stay tuned for more chick cuteness!
We have just a few of the green leaf lettuce left, but kale is coming in strong now. I moved the broccolini plants that started resprouting so hoping they take off in their new fertile location. It won’t be long now before the squash and cucumbers begin flowering and we have an influx of fresh produce!
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy