The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Squash is finally here! We have a steady flow now of green, golden and cue ball zucchini.
Next up should be the cucumbers – slicing and pickling varieties.
The okra is growing nicely and we should have plenty of green and my favorite – red in a few weeks! Another crop I can’t wait for is the cherry tomatoes. I have a “Champagne Bubbles” variety that looks to be quite good!
If you haven’t tried our Switchel – it is a delicious and hydrating beverage. It is now my favorite while working in this hot sun!
Look out for new soaps and herbal teas coming to the market soon!
Thanks again for all your container and jar returns! Remind me if I don’t issue your credit for your next order.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy