The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Another hot summer day! It’s hard to believe we’re already over half way through the summer break for the kids!
I am hoping the beautiful tomatoes I have hanging on the vines will finally ripen this week. My new cherry tomato bed is beginning to ripen – I’m so excited to offer these. They are super sweet “Champagne Bubbles” and “Chadwick Cherry.” I plan to be making lots of sauce with these, too!
Peppers are coming in , so find these in the stand – sweet and hot ones.
We will also be adding another vendor to the market. We have a local roaster here in Lathemtown that I will add for next week’s market. Let me know if there is a particular type you are interested in seeing. Decaf? Flavored? Bean or ground?
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy