The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
We have an exciting new vendor joining us this week! We welcome McKinnon’s Dry Craft Cocktails! They take fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs or spices, dehydrate their goodness, add a flavored sugar cube and place them in a jar ready for you to add your favorite spirit to make a truly divine cocktail infusion. Enjoy them as is, or mix to create a fun drink. You can find them at area farmer’s markets, select stores and now HERE! Go to the vendor page and check out her webpage as well. We offer 5 varieties and a sampler pack. Check them out!
Next week we will offer a preview to our Thanksgiving menu. Look for that in an upcoming email.
Enjoy this last blast of summer weather – soon we’re back to fall.
Farmher Chef Amy