The Weblog

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This Week at the Market

Finally some good weather and several hours in the garden! I have managed to plant at least a hundred or so tomato plants!! This should be a big year for those (if Mother Nature permits)! I have a lot of plants still available for purchase. They are in the farmstand until they are all sold! Message me if you’d like some set aside for you. I can send a list of the varieties.
Up next are the squashes, cucumbers, and peppers to be planted. A busy week in the garden makes me happy!!
We had some action here this week as well. Mama hen hatched out 10 healthy baby chicks! They are so cute!
Our bee hives had another queen hatch so she took with her a swarm that my bee lady, Veronica, had to capture to put into a new box. I was planting when I heard a VERY loud BUZZZZZZZZ and saw a cloud of bees – quite a sight!!! They settled in a low branch of a tree so ot was easy to capture them. So now we will have 3 hives!
If you have been planting and have any left over plastic trays to get rid of – I can use them! Most of mine have been reused several years and are getting broken. You can leave them at the stand.

Thank you for all your support!
Farmher Chef Amy