The Weblog

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This Week at the Market

We are open! A bit late ????
It’s hard to wait… but summer veggies are growing and still a few week out. There are squash coming in that I will put in the stand as they get big enough. Hopefully next week I can put them in the market, but for now it will be a small amount. Everything else is just doing well and growing! We are having to water daily, so once we get a good soaker I imagine things will pick up. As for now, the delightful spring coolness is perfect for the greens and lettuce.
I will be heading out of town Saturday for a couple days with my parents so the farm will be in the hands of the young ones. If you need any eggs or veggies between markets, it will be towards the end of next week when I get back.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy