The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Almost Officially Summer!

This Wednesday is the summer solstice! That means the fruits and veggies really start rolling in!
While we didn’t get fruit from our trees this year, we did get some juicy peaches from the state farmer’s market (thanks to Lisa at Cherokee Market)!! So look for items with these in our market.
Our basil is so plentiful so we have pesto available this week.
Tomatoes, and cucumbers are slowly coming in but again, not enough to list yet so check the stand on your way out fom picking up your order! They will also go in the stand during the week as they are picked so stop by any time!
Remember to return those jars and containers when you pick up and I will give you order credits. If I miss one, just note in the comments of your order that you returned containers.

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy