The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Good morning! It looks like we’ve got a really hot week coming up! I was glad to see the rain last week as we really needed a good soaking. We fared pretty well during that storm – only some minor damage. I hope you all stayed safe and didin’t receive any of the damage I saw with some of those huge trees that came down!
This is the point of the summer I feel like the grass is winning. Everything is growing so fast and I can’t keep up! With that comes a bounty from the garden so enjoy all the fresh goodness. Before you know it, school will start and pumpkins and apples will be here LOL!
Working outside this week? Don’t forget to styay hydrated AND get your electolytes. Try our Strawberry Ginger Switchel. I’m making up a batch to keep going out in the heat while tending the gardens!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy