The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
I’d like to take a moment and thank each and every one of you that support this market. It is my passion and gives me such joy to meet new customers at the stand and ones who have been coming for many years! That keeps me going!
I am, however, going to step away from the kitchen this week. I have fallen way behind on removing the old and planting the new crops, and maintaining the property. I will have the stand stocked, but no preorders for this week so I can concentrate on making sure we have plenty in the ground growing for the fall.
On a good note, I discovered the fig trees have been growing wildly and have small figs on the new branches! So, we actually WILL have a small harvest this year. I will be offering these to our online market and Facebook followers only so you will get them if you want them! I am guessing it will be mid September when they ripen.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy