The Weblog

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This Week at the Market

We’re back this week with recipes from Persia. Chocked full of herbs, and spices! Check out all the flavorful goodness we have for you!

While we were away this week, the seed trays had time to sit in the warm greenhouse and come to life! We’ve got lots of varieties of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, okra, squash, flowers and more! We will have a full garden again this year and some extrs to sell this spring as well if you want to get your garden supplemented with organically grown plants.
This week we’ll be out prepping the beds and amending the soil with compost and manure. We’re also pruning back dead wood and shaping fruit trees and bushes. Lots to do! For some reason I seem to get really energetic seeing all those spring bulbs poking their heads out! Can you feel it too??

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy