The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Good morning! We’ve got a delicious menu this week! While the garden is slowing down a bit, we still have lots of peppers like our shishito and jalepeno. Grab a few of these for grilling!
p. I was able to catch the predator that has been attacking my hens and eating the eggs – a raccoon! I’m hoping he’s the only culprit, but keeping the trap set just in case.
p. Our peacock has shed his feathers, so his beautiful plumes are availble again.
p. This is the last week before school will start next week. Can you believe we’re there already??!!! That being said, I know several customers may have their last vacations scheduled, or events on the weekend. If you know that you will not be able to pick up your order on Saturday, just let me know and I can hold it until Sunday. I prefer that you receive your items the freshest they can be!
p. Looking for a great snack that holds up in the heat? Try Golden Goddess Granola! I keep a bag in my greenhouse while working outside. A bottle of my switchel and a handful of granola gives me a boost of energy to keep going. My favorite is Lemon Blueberry! It’s also great topped on yogurt for lunch or over ice cream!
Brown Bakehouse will be coming back next week with a couple of her sourdough boules!!
Have a great week!
Famrher Chef Amy