The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Market Open

I ran a bit behind this week being out of town, but we’re up and running!

This week is an Asian influenced menu! Hope you enjoy!

Have a great week,
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market - opening tomorrow!

Sorry I haven’t updated y’all about the market this week! I just got back in town after celebrating my Dad’s 79th birthday! I will update and open tomorrow! It will be Asian week!

This Week at the Market - Germany/ Hungary/ Bavaria

Good morning! Continuing with our regional cuisine offerings, we have the Germany/ Hungary/ Bavaria area to pull from. They have wonderful warm and comforting foods for this chilly winter weather. I hope you enjoy!
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

Happy New Year!

Happy 2023! I am looking forward to “growing” this year in every way! I’ve already received over a hundred seed packets and am about to begin the planning stage of this year’s gardens! there will more coming this year like seedlings, baby chicks, flowers, herbs and veggies and of course my kitchen creations!

I decided to have a little fun for January and do Regional Cuisine Weeks. This week is France!

As always, thank you for returning containers! I am always looking for the “ball” type canning jars and lids, and take out plastic containers. I do not need small miscellaneous jars anymore though. I will try to update your account with credits for these, but please don’t hesitate to remind me ;)

The farm stand will remain closed until some time in February when it is warmer and the winter storms are over! Sadly, the arctic blast that came through did ruin our winter crops of broccoli, lettuce, kale, chard and arugula. I am hoping they grow back, but if there is no sign I will likely prep those beds for the next round of planting.

Be well!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are surviving this arctic blast!
We enjoyed a huge family gathering here at the farm. It was wonderful to see my granddaughter’s first Christmas and be surrounded by loved ones. We did however get some frozen pipes which have caused us to cut off water for now. I am hoping to have things fixed soon, but will hold off on a market this week until we are back to normal!
Stay warm!
Farmher Chef Amy

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful customers! You all have become more than that to me this year! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. This community is amazing and I am truly blessed!

This week orders can be picked up anytime Friday after 12 until Saturday evening. Please specify a timeframe you will pick up your order in the comments.

After this week, the farm stand will close up until spring. But the online market will be open as usual.

Have a great week and stay warm!!!

Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

The countdown to Christmas is almost upon us! Are you ready? Need gifts? We have cookie boxes, baskets, and gift certificates. Peruse the farm stand for lots of jams and jellies that may not be listed on the website.
Have parties to go to? The pepper jellies are a great and easy topper for goat cheese, brie or cream cheese. Or try our Cranberry Salsa with blue corn chips.
Next week we will have our Christmas order week as usual with pickup on Christmas eve morning. If you need something earlier, please give me ample notice so I can plan on having it ready for you.
Have a merry week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

The market is open for ordering. We have a few events booked for orders and only have room for a couple more so let me know soon if you will need any special orders outside of regular market days.
Its’ looking like a wet week so cookie boxes aren’t out in the stand yet, but can be ordered through the market and pickup separately if needed.
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy


We just picked up Buckeye Creek FRESH ground grits!! We’ll have these through the winter, but they are as fresh as you can get them this week!

Weblog Entry

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Christmas baking has begun here on the farm bakery! I have cutout kits for those who want to decorate, but not go through the effort of baking.
If you have an event and need something special, jus let me know. In the past I have done appetizer platters, side dishes and specialty pastries for Christmas parties. There are also baskets and Gift Certificates that make great gifts.
This week we will head over to Buckeye Creek to pick up freshly ground GRITS! There wasn’t a harvest last year so we are excited to see them again this year!!! I will add to the market once I pick them up.
The farmstand will get a Christmas update later this week and have Cookie Boxes available again.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy