The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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This Week at the Market

St Patrick’s Day is in the coming week so we’ve got a few holiday recipes for you! Try a Guiness Beef Stew, Colcannon Soup, Corned Beef & Cabbage, Soda Bread Scones or Irish Cream Pots de Creme.

Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

It is starting to feel like spring around here! The hens are producing lots of eggs, all the bulbs are coming up, the fruit trees are blooming! It feels great! We are hoping to open the farmstad back up in a couple weeks as well!
This week Brown Bakehouse has 2 new breads – Lemon Blueberry and Cinnamon Sugar!
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

We hope you’re enjoying this beautiful weather – it’s hard not to get spring fever! Those freezing temps aren’t gone just yet, so don’t go planting anything tender until after Easter!
We will be planting cool weather crops now like beets, peas, broccoli, carrots, collard, kale, swiss chard, radish, lettuces and more.
The hens have really gotten busy laying so we have a couple back on the market! PLEASE limit one per order.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

We’re back this week with recipes from Persia. Chocked full of herbs, and spices! Check out all the flavorful goodness we have for you!

While we were away this week, the seed trays had time to sit in the warm greenhouse and come to life! We’ve got lots of varieties of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, okra, squash, flowers and more! We will have a full garden again this year and some extrs to sell this spring as well if you want to get your garden supplemented with organically grown plants.
This week we’ll be out prepping the beds and amending the soil with compost and manure. We’re also pruning back dead wood and shaping fruit trees and bushes. Lots to do! For some reason I seem to get really energetic seeing all those spring bulbs poking their heads out! Can you feel it too??

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Market Open

We are opening early this week. I am out of town on vacation this week, but Brown Bakehouse will still have her sourdough!

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

Seeds are going in trays this week and the greenhouse will be soon coming alive with the hopes of spring! As always we will have lots of squash, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, and so much more! Hopefully, this year we will not have a late freeze so the fruit trees will survive! It’s been a while since the plums, peaches and pears produced fruit!
p. Back by request are the Lavender Lemon Cookies! We will keep these on the market every week now. If there is anything else that you’ve missed let me know and I’ll get it back on the rotation!

Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

The Market is Open!

It looks like we have some decent weather this week and it’s that time of year to get the gardens prepped and seed trays set. I will be doing soups this week, but not a full menu so I can work on that!

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Market will open later today

We are delayed this morning. The market will open later today!

This Week at the Market

It’s about this time of year I am ready to be done with winter!!! The deep freezing temps take a toll on the garden, the animals, the pipes, and me! I am not cold hardy LOL!

This week we have removed all the fresh greens. Hopefully, they will bounce back, but most have just taken too many days of freezing temps to harvest this week.

Continuing our food tour, the next stop is Germany! We’ve got some good hearty and flavorful dishes for you!
A note from Brown Bakehouse:
We hope you enjoyed the addition of the pizza dough and bagels this week! We did get some feedback and have decided to increase the size of both of these. We hope you enjoyed them!

Have a great week and stay warm!

Farmher Chef Amy

Conatiner Returns

Since I had a little help putting out orders and restocking coolers and container returns, I did not get a chance to see who to give return credits to. If you left some last Saturday, can you please send me a quick email saying you made retuns and I’ll add your credit!

Chef Amy