The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Thanksgiving Ordering

Good morning! The market is open for Thanksgiving orders through Saturday evening.
Pick up will be next Wednesday (11/24) after 10am.
If you have any special requests or modifications you need – please make those ASAP.
If you would like your item packed in your dishware, those need to be dropped off in the stand by Monday evening. You can text me when you drop them off at 404-805-3413.
I am trying to get the first round of Christmas cookies made, but there will be a limited variety until after Thanksgiving.

Thank you for your supporting our market!

Many blessings to you and your families!

Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

It is feeling like winter is on the horizon as we have had out first hard freeze. The green beans won’t make it, but the peas are still growing well. Lots of greens coming in, and the broccoli is starting to flower! We won’t have a ton of veggies through the winter, but should have enough greens to keep up. We have increased the protein level in the chicken feed so they have been laying a little better this past week.
We have some herbal loose leaf teas available now in the stand. They are so flavorful and perfect with Christine’s honey!
this week’s market is a regular market cycle and the “Holiday” items are still for preview only. After the market closes on Wednesday, I will reopen Thursday morning (11/18) for Thanksgiving preorders and pick up will be next Wednesday (11/24) after 10am. Another email will be sent out like this to remind you the holiday market is open.

Have a great week!
Famher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market & Holiday Preview

Sorry for the late opening, but I had a busy long weekend in Buffalo with family! My heart is full – so good to do every once in a while :)

I had the opportunity to see a holiday market where I met other organic farmers and artisans. My favorite part of going back to New York is the MAPLE SYRUP!!! I brought back a ton for use in baking, and sauces. Wonderful Grade A amber syrup. I also have been looking for an herbal tea vendor and met a lady with amazing products – look for these soon in the stand!

I have listed the “Holiday Offering” section of items that will be available for pre- ordering starting NEXT WEEK. I have them listed for PREVIEW ONLY so you can plan your dinners. I have them in serving sizes of 8, but can adjust if needed for larger or smaller servings. You can mention in comments and I can adjust price accordingly.

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I am having an abbreviated market this week because I will be traveling out of town on Thursday. I have lovely greens available after the soaking rains so I wanted to make sure anyone that wanted those could get them this week! Ordering will be open today through Wednesday as usual, but not baked or prepared foods will be available.
Ashley’s Pies will be available this week – she will deliver to the coolers on SATURDAY though.


I have added a recipe for collards as I have added them this week. If you have a recipe you’d like to share, please feel free to use this section!

Coming soon – green beans, and peas!

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Weblog Entry

This week we are trying to support a local talent. Ashley Griffin submitted herself in a talent competition and is trying to raise money for travel expenses. If you would like to help a young, local talent try to realize her dream you can purchase her family recipe pie and the proceeds go to her fund.

Our sweet potatoes are ready this week. they vary wildly in size and shape so orders may not be the perfect ovals! We will get as close to the 1/2 pound you desire.

We have added a third soup to the rotation from now on. Thanks for your feedback! If you have one you’d like to see offered, don’t hesitate to send requests!

Also, I will be heading to Buffalo next weekend for a wedding so there will be no market on 11/6.

Thanksgiving is on the horizon as well! I will have pies, appetizers, sides soups, and salads for preorder soon.

Thank you for your orders!
Farmher Chef Amy


I have updated the soups for the week. Apparently, I had a 0 for one of them, and had a request for last week’s Sweet Potato Stew. So if you needed more soup – you can add to your order now :)

This Week at the Market

We began harvesting sweet potatoes last week so they will ready to sell next week after they’ve cured. The lettuces look wonderful and the fall crops are growing nicely.
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

Late Opening

The market will open tomorrow.
I have had to deal with a family emergency out of town so will be delayed.

This Week at the Market

Another beautiful week is in store for us! Planting the last of the fall and winter garden this week here at the farm. We still have white pumpkins and Ellijay apples in the stand every day, so if you don’t order online, you can stop by anytime for those and our canned items!
Have a great week.
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

We continue to have lots growing in the fall garden and this rain is just in time!
Take a look at the new honey we’ve added this week – Christine’s. It’s that time of year where a cup of tea and honey really hit the spot!
We do not have eggs in the market this week – they have slowed down to a halt! Hoping they pick back up soon so we can offer them again.
There are still plenty of white pumpkins from our fields in the farmstand – get yours to decorate!

Have a great week and thank you for your supporting our vision to bring healthy food to our neighbors!

Farmher Chef Amy