The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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This Week at the Market

The heat has arrived – whew! I am having to water regularly now as well. The peas aren’t as plentiful as I had hoped without more rain, but they’re still coming in. Our greens still look wonderful. Have you tried Swiss Chard? It is great in salads, sautéed or mixed in with eggs. The plum tree was loaded – we had 12 pounds of green ones sold this week and they should start ripening with all this heat and sun. Orders this week will have a mix of green and ripe. The chickens are still happy layers and there are plenty of eggs.
I backed down on the prepared foods as we have graduation going on this week and then a party with family coming in from out of town next weekend.

Thanks for shopping with us!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

The market is open with a few new items! Check out the featured and new items at the top of the website. We have celery and green plums added, and Springwood Cashmere Farm has added a healing slave to their offerings!

Please remember we love when you return those jars, lids, cartons and containers! We’ll give you $1 back on each bag you return to us! Just make sure you leave your name on the bag so we know it is you!

Thank you and have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

Have a great week!
This is what is available this week:

This Week at the Market

Looks like we have a wet week ahead! The garden is loving it! We’ll have lots of fruits and veggies thriving in the spring rains and coming sunshine.
For those of you that have placed orders, we ask that if you can return containers, we would appreciate it very much! We try to reuse and recycle as much as possible so plastics and glass don’t end up in the trash. We take egg cartons, glass jars and containers and plastic containers from our food products sold. This also keeps product costs down as well! Just return when you pick up your order in a bag and set under the table.

The featured vendor this week is Springwood Cashmere Farm. Joanne and Mike have a farm in Milton where they produce 4 main products: Cashmere, soap& lotion , eggs and pinecones.
They have a breeding program of the endangered “Wood’ Bloodline of Spanish Goats which produce hand sheared cashmere.
Handmade Luxury soap and lotion produced in small batches using high-quality Essential and Fragrance oils, The tallow in these recipes has been rendered at home from fresh tallow. creating their own scent combinations. Cold Processed and air dried for 30 days in the traditional method for a high-quality product.
Eggs – they have 24 Golden Buff Comet laying hens that have been fed only organic feed since the day they arrived from the hatchery.
They sell large pine cones that drop from the plentiful pine trees on the property for the artsy people who like to create their own natural art work. Their philosophy is that if it can be used we should find a way to use it instead of throwing it away and clogging up the landfills with yard waste.
Check out their farm and more information on their history and animals at:

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Featured Vendors - Clean Mountain Mama

Good morning!
We are going to feature a different one of our farm vendors every week so you can get to know them and their products.
This week we have Clean Mountain Mama! Taree lives in the mountains of Jasper and is passionate about making an impact on people’s health and reducing an environmental footprint with our household cleaning supplies. She uses natural ingredients including scents using recycled containers. This week she has added a sampler pack so you can try a few products without purchasing a large size. It includes her most popular scent of Lemon Verbena laundry soap, fabric softener, and 3 dish pods. I use them myself! You can find all her products listed in the market. Also check her out on Facebook:

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful spring weather! We are too, but it is time for some RAIN!! The gardens are growing, but are in need of rain quite badly. We’re having to water to keep up the moisture. Radishes are ready and hoping the peas will produce for us soon. chicken eggs are in abundance right now so we’ve dropped the price for another week to $4 per dozen.
Duck eggs will be slowed now due to an unfortunate event on the farm this week. We had a coyote pack attack our pen of ducks at night and got 3 of the female layers. It is a tough time during spring as all the young ones are hungry in the wild. We were, however, blessed with ducklings that hatched this week, so when they grow, hopefully a few will be female layers. Next week we should be hatching out beautiful silkies! Stay tuned for pictures on Facebook of all our babies!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Pollen Explosion

While I am REALLY ready for this pollen explosion to be OVER, I am loving how the garden is thriving now! We have heirloom, organic tomato plants from our friends at AB Farm planted this weekend. The peas, lettuces and radish are growing nicely and will be ready first. Peppers, eggplant, corn, beans and squash are popping up, flowers are growing too! So much growing on!
Don’t forget you can stop by the farmstand every day for eggs – the hens are so happy in this weather!
Farmher Chef Amy

Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a Happy Easter and enjoy the blessings of spring on this beautiful morning.
We will be away this coming week for a few days so the market will reopen the following week. There should still be eggs in the farm stand if you need any.

Thank you for supporting our farm market!
Farmher Chef Amy

Easter Holy Week

We have our Easter Lamb Cake available as well as many delicious goodies. We hope you get to celebrate His rising with your families as things have opened up and all becomes ANEW!
Celebrate spring, celebrate LIFE!

Be sure to check out all the additional items on the market pages – coffee, soaps and lotions, sauces & syrup, natural laundry products, farm crafts and scented natural soy candles!

Thank you neighbors for your continued support of our micro farm market!

Farmher Chef Amy

Happy Spring!

It’s officially spring! Now for that pollen explosion to come! Lots blooming here on the farm, and growing in the garden.
Check out what we have this week for you.

Thanks for shopping with us!
Farmher Chef Amy