The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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This Week at the Market

We’re still enjoying plenyy of time warming by the fire these days and planning our gardens for the spring. This deep freeze has still left us with crispy leaves, so no greens from the garden again this week. There’s plenty of eggs coming in, so I’ve added a luscious vanilla custard cake, and a quiche. Our egg salad is also a wonderful dish if you haven’t tired it!

Thanks for supporting our farm and kitchen all year round!

Farmher Chef Amy

Winter Wonderland

I hope you all are surviving this winter storm! We still have signs of snow on the ground this morning – just enough to be pretty. Though the snow and ice were not damaging, those hogh winds continue to get us. Lots of branches down, panels gone from the greenhouse, and plants knocked over and frost bitten. Winter is not for the faint hearted, even in Georgia! We don’t have anything from the garden this week, but the kitchen still producing some good food, as well as our coops.

Have a great week and stay warm!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

This cold weather has taken a toll on the greens. Many leaves have not survived the icy nights even under frost cloth. I’m giving them a week or two to come back before picking. I have added arugula as that bed has enough for a picking.

I appreciate all the container returns! If I ever forget to give you credit on your order, do not hesitate to let me know you’ve returned a bag and I will add it to your account. I prefer dozen sized egg cartons, any size canning jars and rings/ lids, Tupperware type containers, foil tins, any grocery sacks including the wine type (good for soups!). I do not need any more odd shaped bottles or jars right now or the 18-24 egg cartons.

Thank you! Stay warm and dream of warm weather to come!

Farmher Chef Amy

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I’m hoping to get the holiday décor packed up and put away to make way for the year ahead. Hopefully, you all survived the winter storm that blew through. Our farm seemed to have quite a blast! Our tent was blown to pieces so hopefully, I’ll have that fixed later this week. If you need eggs – the cooler will still be available for pick up during the week.
This week we have lots of broccoli/ broccolini – it is delicious! the lettuces have not survived the rains and warm weather, but there’s more growing. We will have microgreens in the near future as well!
Looing for some healthy and warm soups? We have 4 varieties this week!

Looking forward to the year ahead!

Farmher Chef Amy

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I’m hoping to get the holiday décor packed up and put away to make way for the year ahead. Hopefully, you all survived the winter storm that blew through. Our farm seemed to have quite a blast! Our tent was blown to pieces so hopefully, I’ll have that fixed later this week. If you need eggs – the cooler will still be available for pick up during the week.
This week we have lots of broccoli/ broccolini – it is delicious! the lettuces have not survived the rains and warm weather, but there’s more growing. We will have microgreens in the near future as well!
Looing for some healthy and warm soups? We have 4 varieties this week!

Looking forward to the year ahead!

Farmher Chef Amy

Last Call for 2021!!

We are taking a break from the kitchen this week, but there’s produce, honey, eggs and canned items available for pickup NYE or NY day.
Ordering is open now through Thursday evening. Let me know in the comments if you prefer pickup Friday or Saturday.

Next week we will resume our normal market with HEALTHY prepared foods – no more sugary sweets! We all need a little holiday detox :)

I wish you all a great New Year if I don’t see you at pickup!

Thanks for supporting our farmer’s market this year! Lots of great things to come!

Farmher Chef Amy

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The market is open for orders today through Tuesday and pickup will be Friday after 10am unless otherwise arranged.

The farmstand is back open after the rain and has a few cookie boxes, scones, and mini breads right now. There is also plenty of canned items, handcrafted soaps, salves, and lotions from Springwood Cashmere Farm, a few varieties of honey. Eggs have all been sold for the week, but will go in the stand if available.

We will close for the week between Christmas and New Year’s for a break from the kitchen, but will have the stand open.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed holiday with your family and friends!

Thank you for all of your orders this year!

Tidings and joy!
Farmher Chef Amy

Tis the Season!

It’s now the countdown to Christmas! We’ve added our holiday preview menu items that will be available for Christmas. They are listed as “Holiday – Item” and have a zero quantity listed for you to preview and plan your holiday order. Christmas week pickup will be on Friday December 24th from 10am – 5pm.

This week we have plenty of new and delicious items as well!

We are selling out of the cookies quickly so what is listed, is all that is left! I added a box of undecorated cutout cookies as I have had many requests for those this year. Get a box to decorate with your kids or grandkids without having to bake them – enjoy the fun part of decorating yet have the taste of homemade!

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

Looks like we’re in for a wet week. If you stop by the stand, we will have everything in the coolers under the tent so feel free to get what you need during the week. The chickens have picked up so there are plenty of eggs.
We hope you enjoy the market – please feel free to spread the word!
Have a great week!

Farmher Chef Amy

This Week at the Market

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Now that the holidays are officially on their way, we have items for Christmas and Hanukkah in the lineup! Christmas cookies and Gingerbread are always a hit in our house! Look for cookie boxes in the stand daily later this week.
this year we are offering Rum Balls and Peppermint Bark as separate items due to multiple requests :)
If you have a party or event coming and need something special – don’t hesitate to ask. With a few days notice, I can do special orders.
Don’t forget our products for teacher’s gifts as well!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy