The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
The market is open for ordering.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
Market Open
Good morning! We are open for ordering!
I have been working hard to get all the plants from the greenhouse into the ground, all the staking and trellising in place, and the mulch spread to keep back the weeds.
We still have some chicks, if anyone would like them, let me know. I was very excited last week to find the peahen had laid a clutch of eggs!!!! There are 4 of those and 8 duck eggs in the incubator now. Stay tuned for more chick cuteness!
We have just a few of the green leaf lettuce left, but kale is coming in strong now. I moved the broccolini plants that started resprouting so hoping they take off in their new fertile location. It won’t be long now before the squash and cucumbers begin flowering and we have an influx of fresh produce!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
We’re delayed on the newsletter this morning. Check back this evening for this week’s product listing!
Lol, those “???” were supposed to be emojis…. Oh well!
Lol, those “???” were supposed to be emojis…. Oh well!
This Week at the Market
So much is coming up in the garden now! About this time I get so excited for what is growing and maybe a little impatient ???? I am hoping to add radishes and another variety of kale, but will wait and see.
So much goodness on the horizon ??
Have a great week,
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Good morning from the farm! This is my favorite time of the year when we have a blank canvas to create our gardens. This year we will have more cut flowers with the added raised beds in the front pasture. This week we have a couple Iris bouquets for you!
Our vegetable beds are springing forth with life as this beautiful warm weather is coaxing them out. There’s red and green okra, beans, multiple varieties of squash, eggplant, carrots, peppers, beets, onions, tomatoes, kale, swiss chard and more coming to life!
Don’t forget to get a dozen eggs as the chickens are still laying prolifically!
If you are thinking about getting chicks, we have another batch hatching this morning! You can purchase on the site, and have your pick from the brooder when you pick up.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
After a busy holiday, we have just a small offering this week so we can catch up! There are still plenty of eggs available in the cooler every day. Feel free to email or text me any time to put your name on a dozen during the week, too!
Happy Spring!
Farmher Chef Amy
Holy Week
Holy Week has brought our family a huge blessing! We welcomed Baby Blakely into the world!! She arrived Friday morning and my daughter and she are doing wonderful. Gabi, Austin & their new bundle of joy arrived back at the farm yesterday and are settling in. I am one proud Grandma!!
We have lots of eggs available this week – get them for your Easter dishes or for decorating (although they are quite colorful already!). The Lamb Cakes are not easily set in the stand coolers so if you order that, let me know when you will be picking up via text on Saturday and I will bring it out to you. My number is 404-805-3413.
Enjoy this beautiful spring weather! We are planting away now that the frost is hopefully behind us!
Farmher Chef Grandma Amy
Market Open
Ooops! Monday got away from me! I was so busy in the garden it hit me around 3pm that I hadn’t opened the market. I guess I am also distracted…. my daughter goes in to deliver our first grandchild this week!!! So excited!!
Meanwhile, we have lots of prepping still in the gardens and greenhouse. We have a little broccolini coming back in, the kale is growing and almost ready to harvest, and some of the plants in the greenhouse will go in the garden this week.
A little reminder…. if you are unable to pick up an order on Saturday please give me a heads up as soon as possible. Be aware if you are picking up a day or two later, your produce or your prepared foods will not be as fresh as when it was intended on Saturday. And if you cancel last minute, I may not be able to resell those items resulting in a loss to me. I do understand life is unpredictable, so don’t hesitate to let me know if you just can’t get here to pick up.
Have a great spring week!
Farmher Chef Amy