The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Good morning! It looks like we’ve got a really hot week coming up! I was glad to see the rain last week as we really needed a good soaking. We fared pretty well during that storm – only some minor damage. I hope you all stayed safe and didin’t receive any of the damage I saw with some of those huge trees that came down!
This is the point of the summer I feel like the grass is winning. Everything is growing so fast and I can’t keep up! With that comes a bounty from the garden so enjoy all the fresh goodness. Before you know it, school will start and pumpkins and apples will be here LOL!
Working outside this week? Don’t forget to styay hydrated AND get your electolytes. Try our Strawberry Ginger Switchel. I’m making up a batch to keep going out in the heat while tending the gardens!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Good morning! We’ve got such a bounty at this time of year! It’s nice to walk around the farm and see what all the hard work produces. It’s especially nice to see customers that come and go enjoyng the plethora of items we have to offer. I just want to take a moment and thank you all for continuing to make what I do worth all the effort. I am blessed to have such wonderful customers, neighbors and friends of the market!
This week, AB Farms is back with their beautiful garlic! I have them in the market and in the stand. Also, get our farm friend Chip’s Candy Apple Red Onions in the stand as well!
I hope you enjoyed the fresh picked corn we were lucky to get last weekend! I saved a bag for this week’s creamed corn, salad, and soup!
The watermelon is looking beautiful. I had one that weighed in at 35 ppounds! That one has sold, but there are 2 more smaller ones ready this week.
I am sad to say we have been battling a predator this past week. It has set its sights on our duck flock and has managed to leave us with only 3 healthy and one injured one left. I am hoping to get this thing trapped, but so far has eluded capture. Needless to say, duck eggs will be sparse for some time. Our chickens are coping with the heat and have slowed a bit in laying. We did double the flock size again from our spring hatch. They should begin laying next month!
Have a great week and stay cool!
Farmher Chef Amy
Corn is sold out!
Sold out this time! Hoping we can get more soon!
Flash sale!!! Fresh corn!!!
I just picked up some fresh picked corn from my farm neighbor down yonder… he even shucked them! These are big and beautiful! I’ll post a picture on my Facebook page for reference.
They are .75 cents an ear and will sell each person up to 4 ears each so no one takes them all.
I have 30 ears available. Reply to this email and I will take orders first come first served.
Pick up Saturday on the porch in your order box.
Hoping he has more again!
Now open!
Someone just told me the market was not open! For some reason my morning newsletter disappeared and didn’t enable the market for ordering – sorry!
Now open!
We will be a little lighter this week as we are doing the Cherokee Market event on Saturday. We are stocking up on baked items so will have plenty! Stop by the event for live music, our goodies and more! The event is 12-5pm.
Thanks for your support of our market!
This Week at the Market
Good morning! There’s so much thriving now in the gardens. We’re adding eggplant, tomatillo tomatoes, “goldrush” yellow pole beans, and okra to the farmstand as they come in. Next week they will be available for preorder.
We’re back to canning again now too! So look for pickles and other jams in the next weeks to come.
We have a new vendor at the market! Welcome Katy! she is the maker of our new product – Granola! I had a sample bag this Saturday as I was hustling to get orders together and out for pick ups. It was delicious and healthy! Great for snacking or a breakfast on the RUN! You can order here or pick up a bag in the farm stand today!
You will notice we have a new category called Meal Train. This is for a group of folks that are doing meals for a friend of theirs and is not used for regular ordering. If you are here to order for the Meal Train, start with the instructions item to see how to order. I will be adding items over the next several weeks to keep the options open and to ensure it follows Carrie’s restrictions. If you have any requests, I am open to that – just send me an email.
Have a great week and thank you for supporting local!
Famrher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
The tomatoes and cucumbers are finally coming in! I also got a couple okra so those are around the corner too! I won’t list them yet until I get a steady harvest. They’ll be in the stand as they come in.
Hoping to dry up after the storm and spend lots of time in the gardens this week.
Thanks for all your support of our market!
Farmher Chef Amy
Almost Officially Summer!
This Wednesday is the summer solstice! That means the fruits and veggies really start rolling in!
While we didn’t get fruit from our trees this year, we did get some juicy peaches from the state farmer’s market (thanks to Lisa at Cherokee Market)!! So look for items with these in our market.
Our basil is so plentiful so we have pesto available this week.
Tomatoes, and cucumbers are slowly coming in but again, not enough to list yet so check the stand on your way out fom picking up your order! They will also go in the stand during the week as they are picked so stop by any time!
Remember to return those jars and containers when you pick up and I will give you order credits. If I miss one, just note in the comments of your order that you returned containers.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Thank God for the rain!!! Boy, did we need it! I have been watering the gardens EVERY night, but with this rain we should kick start the growth! I worked in the tomato garden this weekend, staking and priuning…. and ate several cherry and plum tomatoes :) Yes, they are coming soon! I already put out some green ones at the stand.
Beans are coming in strong, as are squash. I anticipate peppers, tomatillos, other beans, eggplant and cucumbers to follow soon!
A surprise this year was a squash plant I allowed to stay amid my herb patch. It turned out to be the casper pumpkins! I have those coming in NOW! They will be in the stand for purchase.
Spring always brings on new life. I had more chicks hatch this week, and…… found out we will be getting a Christams present – my daughter is pregnant again! YAY! Now, we wait and see if it is a boy or girl :)
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Good morning from the beach! I’m spending some good time with my parents before the gardens get really going. And spending every moment I can with them has become really important as they have gotten older. I will be back in time to jump into the kitchen and produce some yummy salads, soups and harvest what beautiful bounty we have coming in now. Squash is picking up, but not sure what I can list so those will be in the stand when you pick up orders. We will also have Blue Lake Pole Beans as well!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy