The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
This Week at the Market
Good morning from the beach! I’m spending some good time with my parents before the gardens get really going. And spending every moment I can with them has become really important as they have gotten older. I will be back in time to jump into the kitchen and produce some yummy salads, soups and harvest what beautiful bounty we have coming in now. Squash is picking up, but not sure what I can list so those will be in the stand when you pick up orders. We will also have Blue Lake Pole Beans as well!
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
We are open! A bit late ????
It’s hard to wait… but summer veggies are growing and still a few week out. There are squash coming in that I will put in the stand as they get big enough. Hopefully next week I can put them in the market, but for now it will be a small amount. Everything else is just doing well and growing! We are having to water daily, so once we get a good soaker I imagine things will pick up. As for now, the delightful spring coolness is perfect for the greens and lettuce.
I will be heading out of town Saturday for a couple days with my parents so the farm will be in the hands of the young ones. If you need any eggs or veggies between markets, it will be towards the end of next week when I get back.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
Happy Memorial Day!
We want to wish you all a Happy Memorial Day as we remember those who have given their all for us to enjoy our freedom.
We will open the market tomorrow for ordering. Enjoy your day with family and friends!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Things are beginning to really take off now in the garden! I’ve got lots of little green tomatoes and the plants are getting crazy – I’m having to prune them back already! We’re getting a small amount of beans in, but not enough for orders yet. Hoping to add those next week, as well as zucchini! A few orders of carrots are available this week. They are also added to our Chopped Salad Bag.
Greens are plentiful now! If you ever need a midweek order of those – just send me a message and I’ll pick for you.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I got to travel to Muscle Shoals to see my eldest son record his music with some legendary studio muscisions at Muscle Shoals Recording Studio! What a treat! Then back home to celebrate with my other two kids and granddaughter. I feel truly blessed!
We have lots of greens coming in now so you will see those added to the market. The veggies are growing like crazy now too! I have lots of little tomatoes popping out already so hoping for a banner tomato year!
If you need a bag of greens during the week, don’t hesitate to message me for a pickup mid-week. I won’t have those in the stand as they do not keep out in the heat.
Just message me at 404-805-3413.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
It’s a Flash Sale for Mom’s out there!!!
I just got word from Michael at Georgia Victory Gardens and he’s having a Mother’s Day flash sale this week! Get $2 off smaller jars and $3 off larger ones!
If you haven’t checked out GVG, you need to! He and his team design, construct and maintain gardens for people who want an edible landscape! He’s a kindred spirit! Go to our “Growers” section to see his info.
Thanks for all your support for our market!
Farmher Chef Amy
Happy Spring!!!
Spring is in full swing and Mother’s Day is coming up quickly! We’ve got lots of specials for you this week to make her day special.
McKinnon’s Dry Craft Cocktails – New flavors! Strawberry Lemonade, Blueberry Mojito, and Sangria. Try them with prosecco for brunch! Special Price – $18 each or 3 for $54 with a cute carry case (you pick flavors).
InMySkin Soaps – Lots of beautiful scents in her specially formulated natural soaps! Special Price – $6.25 each or 3 for $18
Buckeye Creek Farm’s fresh ground grits – Special Price $6.50
We’ve got you covered for brunch foods with Blueberry Lemon Rolls, Smoked Salmon & Goat Cheese Quiche or a Caprese Breakfast Casserole.
Leafy greens are coming in stronger now. We have just a few orders available for kale and lettuce. More coming soon!
Have a fabulous spring week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
A good soaking of rain helped boost the seedlings and things are growing well here at the farm.
There are still tomato plants left and this is the last week to get them! For market customers only they are available for $3 each plant. Right now there are about 20 left. If you don’t care which variety, you can place an order online and I’ll set them aside, otherwise stop by and purchase at the stand this week for the sale price.
Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
It has been a very productive planting week here at the farm. Over a hundred tomato plants went in, eggplant, okra, 4 varieties of squash, 4 varieties of cucumbers, 3 varieites of beans, herbs, flowers and more!
The radish have matured and are added this week. Soon we should have kale, lettuce, swiss chard and sorrel!
The chicks are growing and are learning to peck and scratch like their mom. Lots of life here at the farm!
Have a great week,
Farmher Chef Amy
This Week at the Market
Finally some good weather and several hours in the garden! I have managed to plant at least a hundred or so tomato plants!! This should be a big year for those (if Mother Nature permits)! I have a lot of plants still available for purchase. They are in the farmstand until they are all sold! Message me if you’d like some set aside for you. I can send a list of the varieties.
Up next are the squashes, cucumbers, and peppers to be planted. A busy week in the garden makes me happy!!
We had some action here this week as well. Mama hen hatched out 10 healthy baby chicks! They are so cute!
Our bee hives had another queen hatch so she took with her a swarm that my bee lady, Veronica, had to capture to put into a new box. I was planting when I heard a VERY loud BUZZZZZZZZ and saw a cloud of bees – quite a sight!!! They settled in a low branch of a tree so ot was easy to capture them. So now we will have 3 hives!
If you have been planting and have any left over plastic trays to get rid of – I can use them! Most of mine have been reused several years and are getting broken. You can leave them at the stand.
Thank you for all your support!
Farmher Chef Amy